Precise compressed air measurement for effective energy management
“All-in-one sensor” reduces costs
The compressed air meter is a real all-rounder. Thanks to the integrated sensors for temperature and optionally also for pressure, the user can see four process values (flow rate, pressure, temperature and total consumption) at a glance, which provide information about the energy efficiency of their system. In addition to the inline versions, screw-in versions (SD1540, SD1440) are also available for pipes from 14 to 254 mm diameter and a pressure of up to 50 bar.
Energy efficiency thanks to leakage monitoring
The precise flow monitoring allows for leakage detection and energy cost savings. In addition, the high repeatability of the device enables exact allocation of the costs of compressed air to the respective production line as well as optimised product cost calculation.
Basis for seamless energy management
Following the EU directive on energy efficiency DIN EN ISO 50001, all member states have undertaken to achieve energy savings. The requirement for obtaining energy tax reductions is the implementation of an energy management system. Combining the compressed air meter with regular DAkkS calibrations provides the optimum basis for this.