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How can the industrial evolution be mastered simply and effectively?

How does the data find its way from sensor to IT level? And why is further data usage worthwhile?
Impulse – the ifm show talks to digitalisation experts and to customers who are already benefiting from the extra information today - and who in turn are allowing customers to benefit from it. 

Topics of this episode:

  • How moneo developed since Hannover Messe 2021 (0:00-4:54)
  • Artificial Intelligence for moneo: introducing the DataScience Toobox (4:55-9:52)
  • Use Case: Digitalization at House Distillery & Winery Steinhauser (9:53-12:12)
  • How ifm uses moneo in its own production processes (12:13-15:35 )
  • Use Case: Kautex Maschinenbau improves the support for their customers with digitalisation. (15:36-19:04)
  • Discussion with Nadine Rahman and Maurice Mielke: How to take the first steps into Industry 4.0.

Whether in the production of high-quality wines and spirits or in the simpler control and more efficient use of complex production machinery: IT-based evaluation of process data brings clear added value in both cases. The proof is provided by our customers in this episode of ‘Impulse - the ifm magazine’. Another focus will be on IIoT software moneo - a software, which ifm is constantly further developing and which now provides a precise solution for dynamic vibration analysis with the Smart Limit Watcher. Curious to know how this solution works and what advantage the new module offers in practice?

Find out in this episode!


  •  Host:

Philipp Erbe is the host of the ifm magazine Impulse.

As an editor in the company’s product communication, he has in-depth knowledge of ifm’s hardware and software products as well as customer demands on automation and digitalisation solutions.


  •  Guests:

Jan-Remi Fromentin
With telecommunication engineering studies, first year PhD in automation and a MBA from HEC Paris, Jan-Remi Fromentin started to work in several American telecom companies as project and product manager. He joined ifm electronic 25 years ago and had various responsibilities in marketing and sales management at ifm France and South West Europe.
After 6 years as the CEO of ifm France, he’s now in charge of sales and marketing of Industry 4.0 solutions at ifm corporate, reporting to the CEO if ifm group of companies. He’s also involved in the Open Alliance for Industry 4.0 as one of the ifm representative in charge of Early Adoption projects.


Christian Friedrich is a successful entrepreneur and Managing Director of statmath GmbH. He founded the company in 2011 together with his fellow student Alexander Hoffmann. The 30-person statmath team makes valuable and hidden information in unmanageable mountains of data visible and understandable through systematic processing and analysis – including accurate forecasts.

At the beginning of 2019, statmath GmbH became part of the ifm group of companies. The combination of high-performance sensors from ifm and intelligent solutions from statmath is a real unique selling point on the market.

Christian Friedrich is the product manager of the DataScience Toolbox in moneo.


Christoph Schneider has been working for the ifm group of companies for more than 29 years – at ifm electronic gmbh in the field of fluid and diagnostics, at ifm consulting gmbh in consulting on condition monitoring and TPM. In his role as product manager, he is responsible for the product definition and the introduction on the markets.

His focus is on software for condition monitoring and application solutions as well as the connection of the systems to automation and ERP systems.


Nadine Rahman has been working for the ifm group of companies since August 2013. As Managing Director of ifm in Singapore she was responsible for the Asian markets. She joined the newly founded ifm solutions gmbh (formerly TiSC AG) as a member of the Management Board in 2016. In March 2017, she took over as Managing Director.

Since completing the post-merger integration of a total of five acquisitions into a new technical division of the ifm group of companies in July 2021, her operational responsibility as Managing Director - Global Head of Sales Digital Business has been the global market incubation, sales and marketing of the ifm group's new digital business segment. As such, she is also Chairperson and CEO of various international subsidiaries around the world."


Maurice Mielke started at Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH in January 2013 as a Design Engineer in the field of extrusion components.

In July 2017, he took over as team leader for the development of extrusion components and thus also assumed responsibility for further development in this area.

At the beginning of 2021, he became Director Research and Development and is responsible for the overall development at Kautex Maschinenbau. The development department also includes the well-equipped technical centre, where we are able to test the technology of tomorrow as “first users”.

Impulse - the ifm show for you

Experience automation in an unprecedented form. The ifm show Impulse highlights the most important trends and topics in automation. We talk about industry-specific challenges and present answers – from innovative products to holistic solutions. While also showing a series of successful automation examples from the real world, we let both our experts and our customers have their say in equal measure. Information meets inspiration - welcome to Impulse!