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CorPower Ocean – Converting waves into electricity with automation solutions by ifm

Energy generation
Renewable energies
Industry 4.0
IIoT platform moneo
Industrial communication
Video report

By developing wave energy converters, CorPower pursues the idea of converting waves into electricity. The challenge with wave energy is to design devices that are not only robust enough to survive the harshest ocean storms, but also capable of producing enough electricity compared to their size and cost.

CorPower masters this difficulty with devices that are naturally transparent and protected in storms, and which produce about five times more energy per tonne of device than state-of-the-art solutions in the ocean. Due to the harsh conditions at sea, the sensors used must be highly resistant to vibration and remotely accessible, both for control and monitoring purposes.

CorPower uses EtherCAT, IO-Link masters, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, flow level sensors, humidity sensors and electronic circuit breakers. Everything is connected. Most of the data can be accessed via IO-Link, while moneo is used to set up the devices and analyse some of the data coming back.

Our customer

CorPower Ocean, headquartered in Sweden, designs, builds and installs turnkey solutions that allow their customers to power the planet with clean energy from ocean waves.

Our customer

CorPower Ocean, headquartered in Sweden, designs, builds and installs turnkey solutions that allow their customers to power the planet with clean energy from ocean waves.

IO-Link systems from ifm

Point-to-point communication with IO-Link systems from ifm

IO-Link has been developed by leading sensor, actuator and control manufacturers. The result is a standardised and fieldbus independent interface for automation. This provides the user with point-to-point connections without complex addressing. Binary switches that used to be limited to simple switching signals or analogue values have developed into smart sensors.

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Yes, you are. With moneo. Experience the ease of IT-supported process optimisation with the new all-in-one software platform. Minimise maintenance times and maximise machine uptime and efficiency. moneo offers you all of this and more. For all industries. Without any detours nor technical obstacles. Simple and without any complications.

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The inspiring application reports, case studies and video reports from all industries show how our customers successfully save costs with solutions from ifm. At the same time, the efficiency and functionality of machines can often be increased.