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Girls' Day 2018 at ifm in Essen and Tettnang


This year again the Girls' Day took place on 26 April 2018. Young girls between 13 and 15 years were given the chance to discover the world of automation.

In Essen, the Girls' Day took place from 09:00 to 15:00 h. Twelve girls were welcomed in the Glückaufhaus and introduced to the ifm group of companies by means of the company presentation. Afterwards, they visited the logistics centre, where ifm's wide range of sensors were presented to them in an entertaining way. After lunch, the girls were given a tour of the logistics centre and learned more about the ADAPTO system and the operating principle of the sensors. Finally the training manager at the location Essen presented some of the apprenticed jobs to them. He was supported by several trainees who shared their experiences with the girls. 

ifm's main production location in Bechlingen, Tettnang, participated in the Girls' Day for the 13th time and welcomed 25 girls who were introduced to the world of automation technology. The girls experienced an informative, eventful and exciting day. After a short presentation of the ifm group of companies, they were given an overview of apprenticed jobs in the technical departments. The trainers and trainees in the manufacture of machine tools, electronics and technical product design departments were available for questions and discussions. There was also a little quiz about the training content of the different professions. Afterwards, the girls explored the production department before the Girls' Day 2018 ended with a feedback session.