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  1. moneo IIoT platform
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  3. edgeGateway and (v)Appliance

edgeGateway and (v)Appliance

Flexible solutions for your moneo installation

ifm offers a wide range of options for using moneo in your production process. Depending on your requirements, you can operate the system either in the cloud using our edgeGateway or on-premises via our physical hardware, Appliance, or our virtual vAppliance application.

ifm has the right solution for every customer!
You can find out which one is best for you and your production processes here.

➜ Cloud and on-premises guidance

moneo Cloud


There are two moneo edgeGateways available, AE2100 and AE2400. Both are able to connect up to 500 information points/process values from your production environment. Both devices offer all available aggregation functions (average value, min., max., last value), and transmission intervals (every minute, every 10 seconds, every second) can be set for each value. AE2100 is ideal for operation in control cabinets or in IT environments; AE2400, with the IP 67 protection class, is the optimal solution for use in the field.

The “Data Flow Modeler” enables calculated values to be generated using logical connections and calculations. These values can be specifically selected and transferred to the cloud.

A key benefit of calculated values is that they can be generated from multiple source values, with ultimately only the resulting calculated value being transferred to the cloud. This means fewer information points are needed, resulting in more efficient data transfer and less traffic generation.


The io-key device offers two IO-Link sensor connections and can transmit data directly to the moneo Cloud using integrated cellular connectivity. io-key sends the last measured value to the cloud as determined by the data tariff booked. You can set it to be transferred every 10 seconds or every minute.

moneo on-premises version

With the moneo on-premises version, you can choose between using our Appliance or vAppliance solutions.



Appliance is a pre-installed Industrial PC (IPC) that enables the seamless use of your moneo IIoT core bundle and other compatible moneo modules. Even without IT expertise, it can be used in manufacturing environments, production networks or data centres without any difficulty. The hardware provides sufficient computing power and storage capacity. The Appliance Management System (AMS) facilitates “IT hygiene” tasks, including installing updates for all moneo modules, backing up and restoring data, and retrieving status information from moneo Appliance and services.


Soon your moneo installation will be available ready for use in your network using moneo vAppliance. Make full use of your existing IT infrastructure by making optimal use of the virtual technology, computing power, network connectivity and storage capacity of your existing servers and storage systems.

In terms of security and operational stability, vAppliance is optimally matched to the requirements of the moneo modules. The integrated appliance management system (AMS) is an easy way to ensure the necessary measures for IT operations. For example, the AMS includes functions for remote support, the installation of security and function updates and simple data backup options.

ifm has the right solution for every customer!
You can find out which one is best for you and your production processes here.

➜ Cloud and on-premises guidance