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moneo starterkit - how to activate the licence

Source: moneo starterkit instructions


Starting and licensing moneo

► Start the web browser on your own PC and enter the following URL:
⇒ The licencing wizard is displayed.
► Follow the instructions in the licensing wizard.


Offline activation

Due to the system structure, the licences must be activated offline.
► Select [Offline activation].
► Click on [Next].
► Note down the indicated fingerprint.\
click [Save Fingerprint as .txt file] and save fingerprint.txt locally on your PC or on a USB stick.
► Click on [Next].
⇒ Required steps and Web address for license activation are displayed.
► Execute the indicated steps on a computer with an Internet connection.
► After receiving the licence key, download it and save it on your own PC or on a USB stick.
► Continue licensing in moneo to go to step 3 [License activation]: Click on [Next].
► Copy the license key from the .txt file, and then paste it in the [License key] box.
► Click on [Next].
► Click on [Finish].


Registering in moneo

The first registration after licensing takes place in moneo using the following registration details:

  • Username:
  • Password: !ADMINistrator1

