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Intelligent power supply directly in the field

  • Field mounting reduces voltage losses due to long cable runs
  • No control cabinet required thanks to protection class IP67
  • Outputs protected by electronic fuses
  • Output voltage adjustable, current for each output can be set separately
  • Status and diagnostic LEDs

Power supply directly in the field

More and more users mount control components decentrally on the machine instead of in the control cabinet, for example IO-Link masters or other field modules. With classic power supply from the control cabinet, critical voltage drops occur due to the high currents through the long cables. To prevent this, ifm offers a powerful power supply for mounting directly in the field.

Imagine what it would mean if your system could be wired without a control cabinet.

Protection in the secondary circuit

Integrated electronic fuses reliably protect the components connected to the 24 V power supply against excessive current and short circuits.
