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I/O modules without interaction for IO-Link

Digital and analogue ports for IO-Link

With their IO-Link masters, ifm offers an ideal solution for recording sensor signals directly in the machine without using a control cabinet.

A machine controller, however, must also be able to record digital and analogue signals and control electrical actuators in addition to IO-Link information. The I/O modules for IO-Link offer precisely these functions, making them an ideal extension to the IO-Link masters.

For safety-related applications

A particular challenge is that in certain applications, the voltage of the actuators (UA) must be switched off in a safety-related way.

The modules have been developed so that they can be used in relevant safety-related applications up to PL d (category 3) without interaction.

Switching off without interaction

In classic safety technology, the voltage supply to hazardous actuators (UA) is switched off centrally via a safety relay.

In modern, decentralised fieldbus systems, however, the actuators are controlled via ”non-safe” outputs of I/O modules, while the voltage supply to these I/O modules is increasingly being switched off centrally via an upstream safety relay or a safety controller.

A dilemma here is that a fault could theoretically occur in the non-safe I/O modules, resulting in the output continuing to be supplied by US even though UA has been switched off. For this reason, the modules have been redesigned and built in such a way as to rule out this theoretical error.

Many competitors refer to “passive safety” in this context. However, the term is misleading as it suggests a safety device. This is why we expressly refer to ”non-interaction” and ”fault exclusion”.

What are IO-Link field modules?

ifm’s IO-Link masters are the perfect solution for decentralised acquisition of sensor signals in the field, plant or machine, without the need for a control cabinet. The performance of the IO-Link infrastructure is significantly enhanced by the IO-Link modules. They have inputs and outputs for binary, analogue and digital signals and can also control actuators.