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How to activate the licence on the ifm edgeGateway


Activating a licence

A valid licence is required to operate the edgeGateway. The licence must be ordered separately when placing the order. The licence has to be activated online. The buyer will then receive a licence activation code (LAC) by e-mail.

To activate a license for the edgeGateway.


  • The operator is logged in as administrator.
  • The unit is connected to the internet.
  • Valid license activation code (LAC) is available.

►Select the main menu.
►Select [System]
⇒ [License Management].
⇒ A dialogue window appears
►Select the [New License] button and follow the instructions.
⇒ A dialogue window shows the activated licences.



Activate ifm edgeGateway, how to proceed:

Offline activation is done via your user account in "my ifm", under "my software”. The fingerprint of the target system will be required, and the software must be installed.

Licence activation must be done on the target system, and the licences will be bound to this system!

Prior to activating your ifm edgeGateway software licence, please perform a software update to version 1.4.x or higher on your device.