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The world’s leading trade fair for the industry

Trade fair
Date of the event

Hall 9

Stand D36

HANNOVER MESSE – Messegelände

30521 Hannover

Target group

Companies from any industry sector

HANNOVER MESSE 2024: A huge success, thanks to you!

The HANNOVER MESSE 2024 is over – and we are glad that we were able to demonstrate our consistent solutions and latest products live to many of you. We look forward to welcoming you again to Hannover Messe taking place from 31 to 4 April 2025 to present our innovations and discuss suitable solutions for your requirements. Until then, you can also keep up to date with our latest information on industrial digitalisation here. And we are, of course, personally available for you at any time.

ifm trade fair schedule

ifm is present at trade fairs worldwide. Join us, visit us and be among the first to take a look at the latest innovations.

Date of the event

Hall 9

Stand D36

HANNOVER MESSE – Messegelände

30521 Hannover

Target group

Companies from any industry sector


Trends in the digitalised industry live

HANNOVER MESSE is the world’s most important forum for all technologies which are relevant to change in industry. In 2024, HANNOVER MESSE’s focus was on climate protection, digitalisation and sustainability as priority tasks of the present with the lead theme "Energizing a Sustainable Industry".

In 2025, ifm will once again be presenting a comprehensive portfolio of customised solutions live in Hanover, with which companies in every industry can design effective and resource-saving manufacturing processes. Come along and discover the industry of the future.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Orange Book: inspiration for automation

Whether on a large or small scale, indoors or outdoors, for stationary or mobile systems: automation is everywhere where machines do their job, processes take place or goods are being transported. And so is ifm. Discover our entire automation portfolio for businesses of any size and industry in our current edition of the Orange Book. Let our latest products inspire you to find new approaches to solutions. Provide your processes with increased quality, safety and efficiency. Automation has but one colour.

Energy: Using automation to reduce the ecological footprint

More than a third of global CO2 emissions are caused by energy production alone. Around 40 per cent of this energy is consumed by industry.

Experience ifm live

Save the date and experience ifm at the current fair events! Meet the ifm automation specialists in person and discuss concepts, systems and innovations.