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  1. moneo: IIoT platform
  2. Use cases

Quantity-based maintenance of wear parts using moneo RTM

Counting of embossing operations with a LOGO! mini controller

During the assembly of pressure sensors at a work station, parts for pressure sensors are embossed with an automatic embossing machine. The embossing stamp is particularly subject to wear. The level of wear primarily depends on the number of processed workpieces.

The initial situation:

Before the introduction of moneo RTM, the wear parts were serviced and replaced at fixed 4-week intervals. On occasions, the embossing machine broke down because the relevant parts were replaced too late. This resulted in additional costs. In other cases, the embossing stamp could have been used for a longer period.

Aim of the project:

The aim was to implement a new maintenance strategy. Instead of a fixed 4-week maintenance interval, the embossing stamp was to be replaced based on its condition. A position sensor and a mini controller were used to detect and count the number of embossing operations. After a replacement, it had to be possible to reset the counter via an input.

In addition, the current status was to be visualised in moneo RTM and the maintenance department was to receive an automatic email notification (warning/alarm) when a defined counter value was reached, informing them about the required replacement of the embossing stamp.


moneo is installed on a central server in the existing IT infrastructure of ifm prover gmbh and the required software modules, such as moneo RTM, are activated.

To detect the embossing operations, a position sensor (IQ2002) was installed. It is damped when the drawer of the machine is closed.

The detected embossing operations are counted in a Siemens LOGO! mini controller. The LOGO! controller has two functions. The first function is to incrementally increase the count when a positive edge is detected at the corresponding input (I1). The second function is to enable a counter reset to 0 by setting another input (I2).

The universal data interface LR Agent connects the Siemens LOGO! mini controller with the software moneo RTM, ensuring central recording and visualisation of the current counter value. The process value is read cyclically from the controller and transmitted to moneo RTM via ifm’s IoT core. The user can then configure thresholds and ticket processing rules to notify maintenance staff automatically when a counter value is exceeded.

The result:

By shifting to the new maintenance strategy, all goals were achieved.

Bottom line:

moneo RTM has helped to optimise processes, eliminate downtime and save resources.

System structure

  1. Position sensor (IQ2002)
  2. Key-operated switch for counter reset
  3. Siemens LOGO! (6ED1052-1CC08-0BA1)


On the dashboard, the application is visualised via predefined instrument displays. These representations can be shared with all moneo users. Users can also easily create their own dashboards using drag & drop. Here, the current counter value is displayed as a bar chart. A traffic light display shows the current status. The display format of the process values can be individually adjusted within the threshold range.

  1. Current counter value as a bar chart
  2. Traffic light display of the warning and alarm values

Tasks & tickets: manage thresholds

The warning and alarm thresholds are set via limit values:

  • Counter value < 4,800 = ok
  • Counter value > 4,800 = warning
  • Counter value > 5,000 = alarm

Manage ticket processing rules

The ticket processing rules wizard makes it easy to define actions to be executed when warnings and alarms occur. In this case, maintenance is to be informed about a required replacement when a warning threshold is triggered. If the embossing stamp is not replaced and the counter value is not reset during the defined period between warning and alarm, an additional email notification is sent to the responsible people in production as soon as the alarm threshold is reached.

  1. Definition of thresholds (5) and data sources (6)
  2. Defines which rule is applied
  3. Defines the warning or alarm urgency
  4. Defines the email recipients
  5. Definition of the relevant thresholds
  6. Definition of the corresponding data sources

The email generated from within moneo already contains ticket information:

  • Affected data source
  • Value that was exceeded or not reached
  • Ticket priority
  • Timestamp