Corporate Webinar on demand
AI-assisted Plant Monitoring

moneo PatternMonitor for Early Detection of Unwanted Process Changes
moneo is ifm’s modular IIoT platform for industry and manufacturing. It is easy to use and, when implemented, proves both convincing and solution-focused. However, moneo is not just (another) software suite that helps you monitor your plant. moneo is the answer to all kinds of needs and requirements in the field of Industry 4.0. ifm’s decades of application experience have been incorporated into its development. The approach is future-oriented, including the use of modern technologies. Not just for the sake of technology, but with the aim of making your processes still better, more plannable and predictable.
One of these technologies is Artificial Intelligence. In the web seminar you will get to know the IIoT platform moneo and in particular moneo PatternMonitor, the intelligent monitoring tool from the moneo DataScience Toolbox. Based on various use cases, you will learn how easy it is to use AI in your production and how automated pattern recognition can be applied to monitor critical process values and detect anomalies at an early stage. The best part is that you do not need any AI expertise to use the moneo DataScience Toolbox. The software does it all for you. We call it “close to you”.
Does that sound interesting to you? We look forward to your participation.
Anna Maria Simon joined statmath GmbH in July 2021 as Senior Sales Manager. After her commercial training and part-time studies in International Management, she specialized in high-tech products and serves as the interface between customers and the DataScience team at statmath GmbH. One of her main tasks is to manage the communication level of both entities so that everyone uses the common terminology. In this way, smooth and easy contacts are established, which turn into effective and valuable business relationships.
Nikolaj Setzkorn has been working for the ifm group of companies in product management at ifm solutions gmbh since 2020. He has extensive experience in software development focussing on the condition monitoring of mobile machinery, as well as a perfect understanding of the requirements placed on an agile, dynamic development environment. In his role as product manager, he is responsible for the product definition and the introduction on the markets. The focus is on condition monitoring and predictive maintenance software.

Philipp Siebel has been supporting the statmath GmbH team as data scientist since 2022. In addition to developing new applications for the moneo DataScience Toolbox, he is also responsible for technical support in customer projects. A graduate in mechanical engineering with in-depth application knowledge, he acts in advisory capacity so that, true to the motto “Close to you”, customer use cases can be specifically customised using the moneo DataScience Toolbox.
Robert Pfaff works for ifm software gmbh since 2021. As a qualified IT specialist he has profound knowledge of agile software development. In his task as Product Owner of moneo Ticket Management, his highest priority is to satisfy the customer needs through delivery of high quality software solutions. Beyond software engineering and team management, his area of experience is mainly in methods and processes for the systematic analysis of big data, like monitoring, reporting, analytics and complex event processing.
Aurel Popîrțac is the technical managing director of ifm devtel software SRL, which joined the ifm solutions GmbH group of companies end of 2022. He has close to 20 years of experience with software development and industrial automation applications. Currently acting as a technical manager for moneo’s RTM suite, he is responsible for designing the future of assets oriented maintenance applications. Digital twin compliance and helping the evolution of moneo as a platform by using data driven solutions for machine health issues, are main focus topics for him, as well.