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Real-time monitoring of hydraulic systems with solutions from ifm

Mining industry
Other industries
Printing and paper industry
Video report

The collaboration with ifm began in 2012 with a project for one of Hine's customers in the mining sector. ifm helped to increase the added value and reliability of the hydraulic systems, allowing the customer to monitor the system in real time, whether in terms of pressure, flow, or general oil quality. A well-monitored hydraulic unit with high-quality instruments means great savings for Hine’s end customers. With the right products, they can monitor the level of soiling of the oil and the ideal operating temperature, extending the service life of the system.

About Hine

Hine is a spanish company that operates internationally in the field of integrated engineering services, specialising in the design and manufacture of hydraulic systems. Its unique selling point is innovation through technology to serve the renewable energy sector, especially the wind energy market. They are also active in the steel, mining, pulp and paper industries, among others in sectors that require reliable, high-quality hydraulic equipment.

About Hine

Hine is a spanish company that operates internationally in the field of integrated engineering services, specialising in the design and manufacture of hydraulic systems. Its unique selling point is innovation through technology to serve the renewable energy sector, especially the wind energy market. They are also active in the steel, mining, pulp and paper industries, among others in sectors that require reliable, high-quality hydraulic equipment.

The latest success stories

The inspiring application reports, case studies and video reports from all industries show how our customers successfully save costs with solutions from ifm. At the same time, the efficiency and functionality of machines can often be increased.