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Deep dive FAQ

Discover comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions about the moneo IIoT platform, which is available as a cloud and on-premises solution. Please note that moneo Cloud may not yet be available in your region. Here you can find out about functions, modules, deployment options and more!

General questions

moneo OS

This basic software provides modern user management for flexible assignment of tasks and privileges. Intuitive device management allows for the easy integration of new devices and digital mapping of plant structures. The graphical user interface makes it easy to adjust process values. The operating system moneo OS meets the requirements of Industry 4.0.

moneo IIoT Core

BaseBundle - moneo IIoT Core. Optimise your workflows with a single licence key that grants access to all essential functions. With just one licence, you can improve the availability of your machines, monitor process quality or optimise energy consumption. moneo IIoT Core allows you to integrate and manage devices via drag and drop. Configure your sensors at any time. Dashboards provide you with a real-time overview of your data. Evaluate the data with the analysis function and use preventive maintenance to increase the efficiency of your plants. moneo IIoT Core includes all the modules and connectors required to receive the data from the sensors, process it into readable information and analyse it.

moneo configure (free)

The user-friendly configuration software for IO-Link sensors and ifm IO-Link masters. With moneo configure, IO-Link devices and masters can be configured with just a few clicks. Convenient management of your own parameter data sets, including import and export functions, further accelerates the integration of new sensors. Available as a free starter version or as a module for advanced IIoT requirements.

moneo RTM

The state-of-the-art condition monitoring system - customised dashboards reveal the status of your plant at a glance and provide immediate damage alerts. External email notifications inform maintenance personnel in good time. Data analyses minimise downtimes and optimise maintenance planning. The RTM Advanced Vibration Analysis add-on enables extended vibration monitoring.

moneo Industrial AI Assistant



Security cloud



Technical, safety and legal FAQs


moneo remoteConnect enables remote access to sensors, controllers and other IoT network devices, both ifm and non-ifm devices, directly from the moneo Cloud. With a simple set-up, you can create an encrypted end-to-end connection. Integration into the moneo Cloud eliminates complex network configurations and minimises the need for IT specialists. With remoteConnect, reliable remote maintenance can be carried out quickly and easily.


Info points

Security on-premises

Shop Floor Integration (SFI)

moneo licensing
