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  1. Products
  2. Safety technology
  3. Safety controllers

Safety controllers

  • Safe inputs and outputs
  • Layered safety concept, extended monitoring and test routines
  • Performance configurable in case of a fault
  • Quick boot-up and short fault detection time
  • High-performance CAN interface for various communication tasks

Safety controllers

The powerful, freely programmable 32-bit SafetyControllers are designed for use in harsh conditions. They are suitable for direct installation in vehicles and mobile machines using the on-board system. Thanks to special integrated hardware and software functions for safety-related tasks, these controllers can be used as safety controllers.
Hardware and software have been certified by the German TÜV association. The programmable, layered error handling feature ('Keep Alive') enables the SafetyController to switch off in case of a serious fault and bring the plant into a safe state. In case of less serious errors however, parts of the plant in previously defined areas can still be used. Not all components have to be switched off. The behaviour of the inputs and outputs can be adapted to the application easily and precisely using the CODESYS programming software.