1. Products
  2. Sensors
  3. Vibration sensors

Vibration sensors

  • Reliable permanent monitoring of the overall vibration to DIN ISO 10816
  • Protection against permanent machine overload and unexpected standstill
  • Decentralised monitoring of plant and equipment integrated into the machine
  • Compact field units and modular control cabinet systems
  • From compact, analogue vibration sensors in the field to intelligent diagnostic electronics in the control cabinet

Vibration monitoring systems

Vibration monitoring systems are used for condition-based maintenance of machines and installations. They help to detect machine damage in good time and prevent costly consequential damage.
The ifm product range includes vibration transmitters, vibration sensors, accelerometers and evaluation electronics. Vibration transmitters and sensors detect damaged bearings and unbalance in drives and rotating machine parts. When combined with diagnostic electronics, accelerometers enable comprehensive vibration monitoring of large drives.