- Changing the following image parameters during runtime:
• Exposure time
• Exposure time ratio
• Frequency channel
- Detailed timestamp of the image files
Image header contains a extended timestamp in seconds and nanoseconds (increased amount of data) generated by NTP (Network Time Protocol).
- Update "Out of Bounds"
If the value of a parameter is outside the defined range, so far "Out of Bounds" has been displayed. In future the min. / max. value will be set automatically.
- Higher framerate at 1000 us exposure time
- Single frequency and single exposure in 25 fps
- Setting of the maximum exposure time of auto-exposure
- Auto-exposure is based on user-defined ROI (Shape, Position…).
- Default setup monitors the complete field of view.
Interface features ifm3dlib
- All features of libO3D3xx are ported to ifm_3dlib.
- Library runs under Windows and Linux operating systems
Interface features libO3D3xx (Linux)
- Access to asynchronous messages
- General class (process interface commands)
- Access to digital IOs
- Access to system temperature
- Access to current integration times (exposure time)
- Supports new features:
• Setting imager parameters on the fly
• Detailed timestamp of the image files
- On board programming
• Access to image data via own library -> performance improvement in framerate
• Customer images are secured by signature (.jpg, timestamp)
• Access to Ethernet status
• Root access - access to directories and operating system commands similar to administrator rights under Windows.
Interface features PMDSDK (Windows)
- Network settings can be changed
- Timeout function (error message if feedback is missing after time x)
- Temporary setting of image parameters during runtime
- (requires min. FW version 1.8.xxx)
- Set/receive extrinsic calibration (x, y, z,..)
- Access to current integration times (exposure time) (requires min. FW version 1.8.xxx)
- Access to asynchronous messages
- Retrieve application list and active application
- Delete applications
- The command "pmdOpen" can also be executed if all application slots are occupied (> 32). The application active last is opened but cannot be edited.