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  2. IO-Link
  3. IO-Link starter kits

IO-Link starter kits

  • IO-Link starter kit with 4-port master for a quick start
  • Compatible with the IO-Link parameter setting software “moneo configure SA”
  • Start-up package for field bus communication and IIoT applications with MQTT and JSON for download
  • Including IO-Link sensor, plug-in power supply with interchangeable adapter, Ethernet and sensor cable

Configure intelligent sensors and link them to a PLC and the IT world

With the IO-Link starter kit, you can test the communication interface of the IO-Link master right on your desk. The intuitive moneo configure parameter setting software finds all IO-Link masters in the network and creates an overview of the whole plant. In addition, all connected sensors are displayed with the respective parameters. This makes it possible to set the parameters of all sensors in the system from one central point.

Continuous process values can be read directly via IO-Link.

The decentralised IO-Link master serves as a gateway between intelligent IO-Link sensors and the fieldbus to the controller. This is how you easily connect robust components from automation technology to the IT world.