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  3. moneo starterkit

moneo starterkit: test and start

Ready for smart condition monitoring of motors

The moneo starterkit is a complete package with coordinated hardware and software for condition monitoring of motors, fans, pumps and many other machines. This stand-alone solution is easy to implement and scalable without requiring much IT expertise. The moneo starterkit saves time: This is made possible by the easy set-up and the already pre-configured components. Thanks to the possibility of logically linking, analysing and clearly visualising process values, you always have an overview of all values. The comprehensive alarm management system provides information about events during your absence.

The moneo starterkit is the perfect start into digital evolution.

  • Efficient: central parameter setting of all IO-Link sensors
  • Clear: process data acquisition and analysis
  • Reliable: well-coordinated set of components
  • Flexible: stand-alone solution can be expanded as required

The moneo starterkit enables smart condition monitoring for motors.

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