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  1. Water and wastewater
  2. Recycling of hazardous waste thanks to fully automatic filter presses

Recycling of hazardous waste thanks to fully automatic filter presses

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Everything from a single source - IFM as a system supplier  
Easy condition monitoring on site and via remote maintenance
After Sales - worldwide availability of spare parts
Energy monitoring through smart sensor technology

Recycling of hazardous waste thanks to fully automatic filter presses

Chiresa AG in Switzerland specialises in the ecological and economic recycling of hazardous waste. For example: filter ash containing heavy metals from incineration plants is dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The resulting hydroxide sludge is neutralised and recycled as a solid filter cake using fully automatic filter presses from Aquachem
On the automatic filter unit, numerous ifm sensors support both the optimum process flow and the energy management. 
Underneath the filter unit is a container that collects the filter cake for removal. Laser distance sensors and inclination sensors support an angle-adjustable rocker which ensures that the container is filled evenly.

Fully automatic filter presses