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  3. moneo DataScience Toolbox
  4. moneo PatternMonitor

moneo PatternMonitor

moneo PatternMonitor (PAM) is an intelligent and innovative AI tool from the moneo DataScience Toolbox. It monitors stationary and continuous processes in your company and identifies structural changes or anomalies in individual critical process values such as temperature, flow and vibration.

The software uses machine learning algorithms to respond to the following unexpected patterns in process data:

Increase or decrease in the fluctuation intensity of the values
Progressive variation in the level of values
Level change
Sudden, gradual increase / decrease in the values

How moneo PatternMonitor works

moneo PatternMonitor is an intelligent AI monitoring tool that is easy to handle and can be operated without data science expertise. It makes data conveniently and automatically accessible, monitoring it autonomously on the basis of “machine learning”.

What moneo PatternMonitor can do

By continuously searching for patterns in volatility, trend and level change, moneo PatternMonitor enables rapid detection of unwanted changes or wear in any industrial sector and within the context of condition monitoring.

The software solution can be used for the detailed monitoring of individual critical process values as part of condition monitoring.

the advantages of moneo PatternMonitor speak for themselves

No datascience expertise required. Pragmatic solution with simple 5-step wizard for production and maintenance managers.
Automateddata preparation, quality checking and parameter setting for pattern detection.
Automated detection of structural changes in the critical process variable using AI methods.
Continuous background monitoring and alarming when patterns change.
Adjustable sensitivity for detecting patterns and anomalies in the evaluation period.

Detect unwanted changes in just a few steps – with the 5-step-wizard

The moneo PatternMonitor AI software offers all users a setup wizard that makes the software easy to use.

In just five steps, you can activate the monitoring tool’s artificial intelligence without expert assistance and automate data preparation, quality checking and parameter setting for pattern detection.


Walkthrough: moneo PatternMonitor

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