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Training employees efficiently with ifm mate

What are the challenges of training employees on the job?

  • Training of new employees is time-consuming with low added value
  • High staff fluctuation increases the effort required for job training

What support does ifm mate offer?

  • The employee is guided through an entire work process
  • Detailed work instructions are provided to match the handling sequence
  • The system adapts its speed individually to the worker’s learning process

Which specific advantages does ifm mate offer?

As every company knows - especially when it comes to launching a product, an enormous amount of effort is required to communicate standardised process contents fully and equally to the right people. The launch of new products or the training of new employees in existing production processes always means a high, but indispensable, investment of time and money. However, the digital assistance system, ifm mate, simplifies training processes and supports employees during the learning process.

Real-time instructions – at your own pace

ifm mate uses the human hand as a sensor. In the field of vision of a 2D/3D camera, ifm mate is able to track the position of the hands without any further technical or visual aids. In terms of training, handling sequences are programmed quickly and easily directly in the camera image via the user interface. The necessary work instructions for each work step can be provided in the form of videos or documents. During the training process, ifm mate guides the employee through the workflow by displaying the previously performed and next steps, points out deviations from the programmed process and provides the employee with context-sensitive information at each step of the way. And this is, of course, possible individually, tailored to each process and each employee.

Faster transition to value creation

Transition to "on-the-job training", still accompanied by ifm mate, enables the employee to quickly switch to the real workflow. ifm mate conveys a sense of security with new work processes and purposefully relieves the burden on the employee, especially when working with small batch sizes and a high product variance. And the actual advantages for the organisation are also obvious: The reduced amount of effort required for training helps to lower costs and at the same time enables a complete and uniform transfer of optimised process flows to additional people or even digitally to other production sites.