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  1. Water and wastewater
  2. Process water treatment plants

Precise process monitoring and full transparency for your process water treatment plants

Your advantages with digital automation

With IO-Link, transparency down to each individual sensor via the HMI and the controller
Optimum resolution even with large measuring ranges
Reduced sensor variety and thus reduced stock-keeping thanks to IO-Link

Pure and ultra-pure water treatment systems

For more than 30 years, EnviroFALK GmbH has been designing, manufacturing and selling pure and ultra-pure water systems for a wide range of industries worldwide.

Fundamentally, water as it comes out of the tap does not present a challenge for process sensors. Ultra-pure water, however, is a whole different story. The sensors used in these treatment processes have to be much more efficient and robust.

The various sensors from ifm meet these special requirements and allow streamlined precise process monitoring, with IO-Link helping reduce storage costs and mounting complexity (which results in significant costs savings) while also creating complete transparency of all processes.

HW Bifipro water treatment system