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  1. moneo IIoT platform
  2. Improve manufacturing processes
  3. Optimise energy consumption

Optimisation of energy consumption through real-time monitoring

Potential for energy savings

  1. Compressed air management:  Pneumatic cylinders, valve actuators, conveyor belts, etc. all require compressed air. Leaks in the supply system are costly and can cause equipment to malfunction.
  2. Pump/motor optimisation: Increased heat generation, poorer overall performance efficiency, etc. can result in higher power consumption.
  3. Heating system optimisation: Analysing the heating processes enables you to determine the optimal temperature to ensure product quality while avoiding excessive energy consumption.
  4. Cooling system optimisation: Analysing the cooling processes enables you to determine the optimal temperature to ensure product quality while avoiding excessive energy consumption.

Measuring energy consumption and waste at machine level

Lower annual energy costs

By optimising energy consumption and reducing waste, production facilities can save an estimated 25-50% per year, with 1/3 of this achievable without significant investment.

Tracking total costs

Transparency concerning the total costs per product produced or per business unit provides a cost overview that enables necessary process improvements to be identified.

Tracking energy consumption over time

Energy waste, i.e. through compressed air leaks, can be easily visualised when energy consumption at machine or zone level is tracked over time.

Potential areas for energy savings

  Compressed air management Pump/motor optimisation Heating system optimisation Cooling system optimisation

30 – 50%

25 – 30%

25 – 30%

25 – 30%

  • Monitor flow in main supply lines for overall usage
  • Most leaks occur in branch lines that serve multiple machines (zone) or a single machine.
  • Monitoring a single machine isolates leaks, but can be costly.
  • Zone monitoring should take into account the line diameters, the number of possible leak points (connections), and the number of use points (cylinders, actuators, etc.).
  • Wear and tear on pumps and motors results in inefficient operation and wasted energy.
  • Monitoring parameters such as pump cavitation, motor imbalance, bearing condition, alignment and power consumption will reveal inefficiencies that can be rectified and repaired.
  • Insulate tanks, piping systems, etc. to minimise heat loss.
  • Add reliable temperature control to maintain optimal conditions.
  • Optimise the size of tanks and pipes to efficiently heat only what is necessary.
  • Insulate tanks, piping systems, etc. to minimise cooling loss.
  • Add reliable temperature control to maintain optimal conditions.
  • Minimise glycol concentration in cooling circuits, as this reduces the cooling effect.
  • Optimise the size of tanks and pipes to efficiently cool only what is necessary.

* Survey results from the German Energy Agency

Real-time compressed air monitoring with moneo Cloud

moneo generates recommendations for action

moneo generates recommendations for action

Steps to identify and reduce compressed air leaks

  1. Set a baseline for compressed air consumption
    Install flow meters in a zone (branch to multiple machines) or at an end-use location (single machine) to establish the baseline for compressed air consumption.
  2. Identify leaks
    Measure compressed air consumption when devices are at a standstill. If consumption is not at zero, there are leaks in the system. Check all connections and seals for leaks.
  3. Document leaks and prioritise repairs
    Repairing the biggest leaks results in the greatest savings. Repairing the most accessible leaks offers a quick start. Repairing the leaks that most impact machine performance improves the overall efficiency of the machine while reducing waste.
  4. Adjust compressor control
    Adjust the compressor control to meet reduced demand. Start/stop, load and relief, etc. will probably need to be adjusted.
  5. Compare and publish results
    Compare the results with the baseline and publish them.
  6. Continuous optimisation
  7. A well-established leak detection programme enables optimisation of the existing system. This reduces the need for additional compressors.

Typical components for compressed air monitoring

Component Description

SD compressed air meter

Traditional leak detection methods are all labour-intensive and unreliable

  • Tapping and touching
  • Soapy water tests on joints
  • Use of ultrasonic leak detector

Air flow meters are the reliable alternative to traditional, labour-intensive leak detection methods.

IO-Link master

Data acquisition via IO-Link for standard PLC controller or data transfer to OT/IT systems

  • Automatic device replacement to minimise on-site parameter setting
  • Fast and accurate measurements for maximum process control
  • No scaling required for IO-Link sensors

moneo edgeGateway

Cloud connection for all IO-Link masters and sensors

  • Recording of up to 500 process values
  • Remote control, alarms and visualisations
  • Functions include configuration, data collection and condition monitoring

Optimise energy use

How to optimise your use of resources by monitoring your energy consumption

Want to use resources optimally, monitor energy consumption and identify possible error sources at an early stage? moneo identifies energy guzzlers such as leaks, thereby enabling sustainable optimisation of resources and cost cutting.