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  1. IO-Link benefits
  2. System integration
  3. Parameter setting

Parameter setting of IO-Link sensors

moneo configure: The parameter setting software

The intelligent software for smart IO-Link management

  • Efficient:central parameter setting of all IO-Link sensors with only one software tool. Manufacturer-independent.
  • Intelligent:automatic detection of IO-Link devices.
  • User-friendly:administration of parameter data sets is now easier than ever.
  • Direct:direct access to IO-Link sensors via the PLC.

You can choose between the free stand-alone version moneo configure free which represents a starting point for simple parameter setting or the chargeable moneo configure module licence, which allows combination with further moneo modules.”

moneo blue: The app for mobile parameter setting and diagnostics

The app for the Bluetooth adapter EIO330

  • Informative and efficient:While on the move, check process values and events of all IO-Link devices connected to an ifm master and set the parameters of sensors with the help of a free app (iOS and Android).
  • Simple:Convenient parameter setting of many sensors thanks to graphic representation.