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  1. The Y path
  2. Condition Monitoring

Condition monitoring with the Y path from ifm

Condition monitoring is an important element in the context of Industry 4.0. Sensors supply data which is used to plan maintenance and to carry out maintenance in a production-free period.

Make use of the possibilities:

  • Undistorted sensor signals for analysis: Consumption data about gases and fluids is transferred to the IT infrastructure without distortion or interference
  • Evaluation of several process-related values from a sensor, for example flow rate and temperature in the SM9000 via IO-Link
  • Better interpretation of the machine situation by means of the combined display of different process values in the LINERECORDER SMART OBSERVER


The LINERECORDER SMART OBSERVER software from ifm is used for condition monitoring of systems and the observation of the energy consumption. Versatile evaluation options in conjunction with corresponding alarm scenarios are available for the analysis of the situation:

  • Alarm management
  • Current status indications
  • Parallel indication of comparative values from the past
  • Observation of several process values in the same time range
  • Correlation of several states

Online Monitoring

Irrespective of location and time users have access to all acquired data, analyses and alarms. All web-based information and functionalities from the manufacturing environment can be securely accessed and processed worldwide and the user is immediately informed about incidents by text message or e-mail.

Application example: Condition Monitoring
