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  3. moneo IIoT Insights

moneo IIoT Insights

From data to actions

Unlock the full potential of your data with us and gain meaningful insights. moneo transforms sensor data into information, creates meaningful insights and helps to automate actions of connected systems.

Our IIoT Insights add-on includes intelligent, AI-supported additional functions to improve plant floor processes, maintain supply chain resilience and ensure safety and sustainability.

  • Integrate seamlessly. Connect your systems with the help of ifm sensors and IIoT devices. The data can now be edited further.
  • Start smart. Start with a test application to transform data into valuable information.
  • Scale fast. Extend the use of moneo to additional applications and/or locations.
  • Predict and act. Become fit for the future with moneo’s flexibility and innovative strength.

Industrial AI Assistant

Track and trace

Kickstart IIoT – Get started in 3 simple steps


Connect your plant with
a moneo IIoT device

moneo IIoT Core

Transform asset data with
moneo IIoT Core

moneo Insights

Predict and act with
moneo IIoT Insights

moneo IIoT devices Record machine data

moneo IIoT Core Optimise workflows

moneo IIoT Insights Predict and act
1 add-on for access to all Insights features

  • Openness: fast integration into OT and IT systems
  • Scalability: can be extended as required
  • Cyber security: comprehensive protection of sensitive data
  • Flexibility: can be used in the cloud or on-premises
  • Central IIoT functions for cloud* or on-premises
  • Parameter setting, data acquisition, visualisation and monitoring
  • Plug-and-work insight into machine conditions and process parameters

Industrial AI Assistant

  • AI-based anomaly detection and forecasts regarding the remaining service life

moneo Track & Trace

  • Object identification and localisation for the flow of goods and traceability

➜ Learn more about moneo IIoT devices

➜ Start now with moneo

*It is possible that the cloud subscription is not yet available in your region.