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  1. Supply Chain Management
  2. ifm Academy
  3. Expert chat

Expert chat

Direct all your question to our solutions specialists

We know how important key users’ day-to-day work with the GIB Suite is to your company. These are the people who know the system and its individual modules best. But even among key users, questions sometimes come up requiring special answers.

That’s why we’ve set up our special Ask the Expert service: We offer your key users a weekly hour-long WEB conference, giving them the opportunity to direct all their questions about the GIB Suite to our module specialists.


Your experts get even deeper insights into the respective solutions (controlling, operations, planning and forecast), can discuss complex user questions and always stay up to date with innovations. In addition, the direct contact to the specialist saves a lot of time, because specific questions are answered immediately and user-oriented.

What are the costs?

The annual participation fee is 1800 euros per company. This means that all chats for all solutions are available to you. If you want to join during the year, please contact us. We would be happy to make you an offer.

Ask the Expert dates 2023






January 14. 21. 28.
February 11. 18. 25. 04.
March 11. 18. 25. 04.
April 08. 22. 29. 01.
May 13. 20. 06.
June 24. 03. 10.
July 11. 01. + 29. 08. 15.
August 19. 26. 05. 12.
September 16. 23. 02. + 30. 09.
October 14. 21. 28. 07.
November 11. 18. 25. 04.
December 09. 02.

Do you have questions?

Please contact Sibylle Blöchl for training on supply chain processes.

+49 271 238 71 4053 | Kontakt via Microsoft Teams

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