Frequently asked questions about moneo
- General questions about moneo
- Installation, activation, set-up and backup
- Access, login and authentication
- First steps in moneo
- Functionalities, extensions and licences
- Data use, data transfer
- Artificial intelligence
- Security (on-premises/cloud)
- Hardware functionalities
It is possible that the cloud subscription is not yet available in your region.
You can easily get started with moneo. For a detailed description, please visit our page "Get off to a flying start with the moneo".
The IIoT software can be purchased via our online shop. You will then receive a licence key (LAC) from us by email. With this you can activate your moneo software.
If you want to run a proof of concept to see whether moneo is the right solution for you, we recommend our starter kit for the on-premises version. Alternatively, we offer moneo as a cloud solution, meaning you will not have to maintain and host the software yourself.
Detailed instructions on licensing can be found in the FAQ section “Licensing”.
Please refer to the technical requirements for the current hardware and software requirements.
If V1.13 is installed and the trial period of the configure SA trial version has expired, the moneo configure free version can be selected via a new dialogue within moneo.
In addition to historical data, you need the moneo IIoT Core and the requested licence for the tools of the moneo Industrial AI Assistant.
A cloud instance is a customer’s personal area in the moneo cloud. The data belongs to the respective customer and is provided securely by ifm. The name, the web address (URL) and the location where the cloud is operated and the data is stored are chosen by the customer. Initial set-up via the mobile IoT suite is a self-service process.
The name of the cloud or instance can be freely selected (maximum number of characters: 40).
The region of a data centre refers to the geographical location of the servers and the IT infrastructure of the moneo cloud. Please select the storage location in line with the data protection regulations in your region. The data centre location cannot be changed later.
Yes, that is possible.
If the connection between the edgeGateway and the cloud is interrupted, no values can be transferred. Accordingly, no alarms will be generated.
However, the edgeGateway has a buffer storage that stores the data temporarily for at least thirty minutes. As soon as the cloud is accessible again, the buffered data is automatically forwarded and made available there.
To allocate licences such as infopoints to different systems, please use the offline activation. In the first step of the activation process, you have the option of selecting any number of licences in order to assign them to the system’s fingerprint.
Then follow the activation process described above.
The licence activation codes are be sent to you by email and are available in your “my ifm” account.
If you have lost the licence activation code, please contact our service centre to help you recover it.
Users can be defined as Admins, Users or Visitors. There are different authorisation levels between the roles.
Customers have exclusive access to the information within their cloud instance. If necessary, ifm Support can be given access privileges.
“User email” refers to the email address of the person in your organisation who will be the first moneo user. The person will receive an email to log in to moneo once the instance is active. This user can then create further administrators and users.
The region of a data centre refers to the geographical location of the servers and the IT infrastructure of the moneo cloud. Please select the storage location in line with the data protection regulations in your region. The data centre location cannot be changed later.
remoteConnect can establish a remote connection to all devices that can be reached via the (TCP) IP protocol. IoT devices, but also ordinary servers or vServers can be addressed.
To reset your user password, please contact the moneo administrator.
Only users with administrator rights can reset user accounts.
For further information please see the installation instructions.
You can easily get started with moneo. For a detailed description, please visit our page "Get off to a flying start with the moneo".
The IIoT software can be purchased via our online shop. You will then receive a licence key (LAC) from us by email. With this you can activate your moneo software.
If you want to run a proof of concept to see whether moneo is the right solution for you, we recommend our starter kit for the on-premises version. Alternatively, we offer moneo as a cloud solution, meaning you will not have to maintain and host the software yourself.
Detailed instructions on licensing can be found in the FAQ section “Licensing”.
Calculated values enable the conversion of sensor values to process-relevant information with the help of graphical data modelling. Data modelling is based on mathematical and logical operators that can be flexibly selected by the user. The following figure illustrates a possible calculated value.
Please check the technical requirements for the current features.
Via an ifm IO-Link master, all IO-Link devices can be configured with the tool according to the IO-Link specification. Support for masters from other manufacturers is in preparation. With configure free, onboarding of third-party masters is already possible.
Yes. You can add photos and images to customise your dashboard via the web browser. Click on the photo icon and select the desired image.
After adding the photo, you can adjust the image size and position as needed.
“User email” refers to the email address of the person in your organisation who will be the first moneo user. The person will receive an email to log in to moneo once the instance is active. This user can then create further administrators and users.
An infopoint in moneo corresponds to a single measured value provided by a sensor. For example, if a sensor provides three different measured values and you are interested in all three, you need to plan three information points for these readings in moneo.
To allocate licences such as infopoints to different systems, please use the offline activation. In the first step of the activation process, you have the option of selecting any number of licences in order to assign them to the system’s fingerprint.
Then follow the activation process described above.
Please contact the ifm service centre for any questions you may have.
The “basis” in the form of the moneo IIoT Core includes the following products:
- moneo OS as the operating system
- moneo configure for parameter setting
- moneo RTM for condition monitoring
- moneo edgeConnect as a communication interface from the shop floor to the top floor
In addition, the following expansion options are available for the on-premises version:
- moneo Industrial AI Assistant
- SAP integration
- AWS and Azure connector
The following expansion options are currently available in the cloud:
- AWS and Azure connector
The expansion options available in the on-premises version will also be offered in the cloud version in the future.
The product overview and functions are described in detail on the moneo products page. If you have any questions, please contact the ifm service centre.
moneo is a permanently evolving IIoT platform. If you have opted for the on-premises version, you can expect a new update every three months, which is provided by ifm and can be downloaded by you.
With the cloud solution, this process happens fully automatically: New features are made available regularly and automatically - you do not have to worry about a thing.
You can even actively influence the development. As a customer, you can submit moneo feature requests.
To do so, please contact ifm Service.
moneo can be configured with SMTP email channel settings (SSL and TLS are supported). As soon as the channel is set up, warnings and alarms are sent to all users by email.
On the one hand, the user is made aware of warnings and alarms within the moneo software by means of pop-ups. On the other hand, it is possible to set up an email channel so that notifications are sent to the desired email address.
The basic functions of moneo IIoT Core are:
Both versions have the same basic functionality. The cloud version uses intelligent data pre-processing to enable efficient storage in the cloud, meaning that only the amount of data relevant to the user will be stored in the cloud. This offers greater flexibility and scalability compared to the on-premises use. The cloud application additionally offers remoteConnect.
remoteConnect enables you to access remote assets. For example, you can remotely maintain systems, manage access and permissions or install updates.
No. Currently, the moneo IIoT Core can be expanded by the DataScience and Raw Data Recording functionalities for the on-premises environments (starter kit, appliance and vAppliance). We will gradually roll out these expansion options to the cloud version.
moneo configure is available as a fee-based product for a moneo platform installation with moneo OS. It can be combined with other moneo products such as condition monitoring or AI-based process monitoring. You can purchase the tool in the basic licence package moneo IIoT Core.
moneo configure free is a free stand-alone solution. This version serves as an introduction to simple parameter setting.
Both versions can be extended with the chargeable add-ons for moneo configure. The free stand-alone version does not require a licence key.
Yes, an extension is possible through the “Advanced Vibration Analytics” (AVA). The AVA toolbox contains two components: the AVA wizard for defining vibration monitoring of simple machines according to ISO 10816-3 and the AVA raw data recording for manual or rule-based recording of VVB/VSE raw data.
We offer the following options for extracting data from the moneo cloud:
- MQTT connector: The connector for external systems via MQTT enables continuous data extraction for each infopoint.
- CSV export: Export selected data in CSV format via the “Analyse” function.
- SAP connector (planned): In the future, we will also be offering our SFI connector for seamless integration with SAP systems. This connector will provide an additional method for transferring data from the moneo cloud to SAP systems.
If you have special data extraction requirements that are not covered by the standard options, please note that the extraction of process values from the cloud may not be a standard function and may require assistance from the service and support team.
remoteConnect Admins (e.g. mechanical engineers or production managers) can create and use sessions. They can select devices authorised for remote connection. remoteConnect Users (e.g. service technicians) can use the sessions created by the admin and remotely access devices. They can end sessions, but they cannot add devices.
SFI is basically designed for integration in any ERP process. Through our RTM component (RTM = Real Time Maintenance), we now provide integration with SAP PM (Plant Maintenance). That means the automated creation of maintenance notifications, maintenance orders and measurement documents, which in turn accelerates processes and provides quality assurance. The first functions for integration in SAP supply chain processes are available now or are on the roadmap for the upcoming release.
One such example is automatic repeat ordering or stock reservation for consumable materials. SFI is also capable of requesting and storing measurement documents for a multitude of SAP objects (such as equipment, functional locations and production tools). It can therefore be used to support energy data monitoring, for instance.
There are two activation options for the on-premises version:
1. Online activation
Online activation is done by you in moneo. You need to download moneo and enter your LAC under “Online activation” after you have created your moneo account. For online activation, the device on which the moneo instance is running needs to be connected to the Internet.
2. Offline activation
Offline activation takes place via the “my ifm” account. If you do not have an account, you can create one for free.
To activate your licence offline, go to “My Account” and select the option “My software” (Fig. 1).
Here you can enter your LAC (fig. 2).
To proceed, you need the digital fingerprint of the system on which you have installed moneo. For this, log in to your moneo instance.
If this is your first login, you will be asked for the type of activation (online vs. offline). Select offline activation.
If you have already activated moneo licences, you can add further licences via the licence management in the system profile (via “+”).
If you have selected offline activation, the fingerprint will be displayed in the next step.
Copy and paste it into the pop-up window on the "”my ifm” page. Follow the steps.
You will receive a code that you can enter in the moneo software under “Offline activation”.
The licence activation codes are be sent to you by email and are available in your “my ifm” account.
If you have lost the licence activation code, please contact our service centre to help you recover it.
The ifm customer is the sole owner of the data or information uploaded to the moneo cloud platform.
The uploaded data and information is stored and managed in the selected regions of the cloud instance.
The data stored in the moneo cloud is managed and stored by ifm. ifm is responsible for the storage, security and maintenance of the data in the moneo cloud. Customer data is securely stored and managed by ifm as part of its cloud service offering.
ifm uses the Microsoft Azure data centre infrastructure to ensure the secure storage and availability of the data stored in the moneo cloud. The location of the data centre can be selected according to customer needs, such as data residency requirements, legal requirements and compliance.
Initially, data centre locations in Europe (“Western Europe”) and the USA (“Central US”) are available for data storage.
The customer is the owner of the data stored in the moneo cloud and is responsible for it, including compliance with data protection laws and regulations.
You will find all further information here: General conditions for the use of the cloud software
An infopoint in moneo corresponds to a single measured value provided by a sensor. For example, if a sensor provides three different measured values and you are interested in all three, you need to plan three information points for these readings in moneo.
No, infopoints can be flexibly activated and deactivated. This way you can flexibly book data into moneo. An infopoint can be deactivated as required and made available for other sensors or measured values.
No, this is not necessary. As soon as an infopoint is activated in moneo, this measured value is available to all moneo services in the relevant system. No additional infopoints are required to transmit data or measured signals via OPC UA or MQTT.
In the on-premises version, a single infopoint is required to upload a specific measured value to the moneo system constantly once per second.
In contrast, in the cloud version, the number of infopoints required depends on the frequency with which a measured value is uploaded. For example, if a measured value is transmitted to the cloud once a minute, one infopoint will be required for this. If the measured value is transmitted to the cloud once per second, 60 infopoints will be required.
Similar to a fingerprint, machines, processes and plants have different characteristics depending on how they are used. Existing static monitoring approaches are based on known findings and expert knowledge, rarely representing the real practice accurately. The moneo Industrial AI Assistant uses artificial intelligence to overcome the aforementioned limitations of static threshold monitoring, allowing you to increase the accuracy and validity without requiring expert skills.
The tools differ significantly in terms of their functioning, objectives and requirements. Only their task is the same: to monitor and detect deviating process values.
The moneo SmartLimitWatcher monitors a critical process value (target variable) based on physically dependant process values (support variables). This means that several (sensor) values are required. The trained AI automatically detects anomalies based on automatically defined dynamic warning and alarm thresholds.
Example: dynamic limit value monitoring of the internal temperature (target variable) based on humidity, outside temperature and a time counter (support variables).
The moneo PatternMonitor monitors a stationary (recurring and constant) critical process value without any additional variables. This means that only one (sensor) value is required. Through mathematical calculations the new live data are compared with previous data to detect structural changes (trends, volatility changes, level changes).
Example: monitoring of a single calculated value (pressure difference and flow difference) for leaks within a cooling circuit.
In addition to historical data, you need the moneo IIoT Core and the requested licence for the tools of the moneo Industrial AI Assistant.
The configured evaluation period and alarm sensitivity may not be ideal for the underlying process. Environmental factors or external influences can be further causes.
Example: If a person bumps into a sensitively adjusted machine that is monitored, this will be identified as a structural (level) change, which will be perceived as an alarm.
Static process monitoring uses general predefined limit thresholds throughout the entire process regardless of what is currently happening. Dynamic threshold setting means that plants can be monitored in a process-focussed manner to detect even slight deviations early. This has the great advantage that no knowledge about the correct alarm thresholds is needed and that process deviations can be detected earlier.
Example: If an error occurs at 50 °C within static limit values (40° and 60°), it cannot be detected. With dynamic limit thresholds, this error couldhave be detected.
The moneo cloud solution employs various security measures and best practices to protect your data. Some of the security features and practices are:
- Data isolation: ifm uses logical isolation to segregate each customer’s data from the data of other customers in the cloud. This isolation ensures that your data remains separate and secure.
- User authentication: Users must authenticate themselves with usernames and secure passwords. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) can act as an additional layer of security.
- Compliance with regulations: The moneo cloud solution meets various compliance standards and regulations. Compliance measures help to ensure data security and data protection.
- Regular security updates: Security patches and updates are installed regularly to protect the cloud infrastructure from known vulnerabilities.
- Monitoring and auditing: The moneo cloud operations team uses monitoring and auditing tools to track system activity and detect suspicious or unauthorised behaviour.
- Data backups: Regular data backups are carried out to prevent data loss due to unexpected events or hardware failures.
- Reaction to incidents: There is a well-defined incident response plan in place to respond promptly and effectively to security incidents or breaches.
- Security awareness training: Employees and staff with access to the moneo cloud are trained in security best practices to prevent security incidents related to human error.
By combining these security measures and best practices, the moneo cloud is designed to create a secure environment for your data and IoT applications. However, it is important that customers remain informed about the security functions and actively participate in securing their data and systems.
Customers have exclusive access to the information within their cloud instance. If necessary, ifm Support can be given access privileges.
The moneo cloud is currently operated in the ‘East-US’ and ‘West-Europe’ regions. This fulfils geopolitical requirements regarding where and how data is stored and processed. When initialising the cloud instance, the customer can choose the region of operation. It is currently not possible to subsequently change the cloud region.
The regional provision also ensures effective network connections in terms of latency and speed.
Customers are fully responsible for the creation and administration of their user accounts as well as the user authorisations. It is recommended to only grant privileges that are truly needed by users.
If the customer loses data, there is a risk that it cannot be recovered.
The edgeGateways are authenticated in the cloud via individual login data. When adding a gateway to the cloud, it receives exclusive data for the cloud instance.
The ifm customer is the sole owner of the data or information uploaded to the moneo cloud platform.
The uploaded data and information is stored and managed in the selected regions of the cloud instance.
The data stored in the moneo cloud is managed and stored by ifm. ifm is responsible for the storage, security and maintenance of the data in the moneo cloud. Customer data is securely stored and managed by ifm as part of its cloud service offering.
ifm uses the Microsoft Azure data centre infrastructure to ensure the secure storage and availability of the data stored in the moneo cloud. The location of the data centre can be selected according to customer needs, such as data residency requirements, legal requirements and compliance.
Initially, data centre locations in Europe (“Western Europe”) and the USA (“Central US”) are available for data storage.
The customer is the owner of the data stored in the moneo cloud and is responsible for it, including compliance with data protection laws and regulations.
You will find all further information here: General conditions for the use of the cloud software
remoteConnect establishes an encrypted end-to-end connection between the service technician’s Windows computer and the selected devices. The modern and secure open-source VPN WireGuard is used to make remoteConnect lightweight, fast and secure.
remoteConnect Admins (e.g. mechanical engineers or production managers) can create and use sessions. They can select devices authorised for remote connection. remoteConnect Users (e.g. service technicians) can use the sessions created by the admin and remotely access devices. They can end sessions, but they cannot add devices.
moneo offers functions for secure operation based on the different derivatives (Windows/Linux). As an appliance, moneo provides functions for secure access, use and securing of the solution. As an open system, moneo on Microsoft Windows is dependent on the functions provided by the operating system. Here, the responsibility for security lies with the customer.
The different derivatives offer the possibility to fulfil different security needs, from the appliance with all options to the integrable solution based on Microsoft Windows.
Via an ifm IO-Link master, all IO-Link devices can be configured with the tool according to the IO-Link specification. Support for masters from other manufacturers is in preparation. With configure free, onboarding of third-party masters is already possible.
The moneo edgeGateway enables communication between sensors and other data sources and the moneo cloud. The device is located in the customer’s network and collects field data. The moneo edgeGateway enables preprocessing and aggregation of data sources before it transfers them to the cloud.
Yes, that is possible.
No, that is not possible.
If the connection between the edgeGateway and the cloud is interrupted, no values can be transferred. Accordingly, no alarms will be generated.
However, the edgeGateway has a buffer storage that stores the data temporarily for at least thirty minutes. As soon as the cloud is accessible again, the buffered data is automatically forwarded and made available there.