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  1. ifm at a glance
  2. Vision - Mission - Company goals

Vision - Mission - Company goals

Our vision:

Close to you – to be our customers' first choice for innovative automation technology and digitalisation.

With automation technologies ifm contributes to improving the living and working conditions of all people. Products, services and software from ifm help to protect the environment worldwide and to reduce CO2 emissions, energy and material use.

ifm's exceptionally large product portfolio does not only cover all relevant standard solutions but also the special requirements of individual industries.

In addition to position and process sensors, sensors for motion control and safety technology are part of the product range. Furthermore ifm offers products for industrial imaging and communication as well as identification systems and systems for mobile machines.

ifm develops innovative Industry 4.0 solutions and corresponding software and cloud products to make existing business processes digitally usable and to offer new, holistic control options for sustainable efficiency and cost optimisation.

Our mission

For us, quality refers to more than just the product. All our processes are designed with customer service and product quality in mind. We support each customer in person, wherever in the world and in whatever language.

We use our customers' feedback to continuously improve the quality of our products. Our sensors are tested with values far beyond the indicated limits using special procedures to ensure that they keep our promise in the customers' processes. Moreover, each product is subjected to a final inspection before it leaves the company. We take this promise serious and guarantee each catalogue product for 5 years.

Our company goals

The following is already stated in the in the corporate philosophy, written down in 1990: “ifm demands and promotes ecologically conscious decisions and conduct.” We would like to continue to take this guiding principle to heart and expand it in the future.

Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

We consider sustainable value creation to be an essential prerequisite of our business success. After all, durable and high-quality products from ifm not only contribute towards the conservation of resources, but also increase customer satisfaction. For us, climate-friendly action begins on our own doorstep and is not limited to energy efficiency or the use of renewable energy sources. The construction of our first green factory in Romania marks a milestone in eco-friendly and climate-neutral manufacturing, and serves as a blueprint for future construction projects, bringing us one step closer to our goal of becoming climate-neutral in our operations by 2030.