1. Products
  2. Safety technology
  3. Safety Network (AS-i safety at work)

Safety Network (AS-i safety at work)

  • Monitoring of up to 31 safe AS-i slaves
  • Applications: door monitoring, light curtains, e-stop, two-hand control
  • Safe AS-i modules for field applications and control cabinets
  • Safe AS-i door switches with guard locking and guard lock monitoring

AS-Interface (AS-i) Safety at Work

AS-Interface is a simple and economic wiring system for the first level of industrial communication. An AS-Interface network consists of a control unit, the so-called master, the modules for signal processing, and the associated sensors and actuators.
Safety components can easily be incorporated into an AS-i network via AS-Interface Safety at Work. Signals from standard units and safe components are transmitted via a common cable.
The fail-safe AS-i PLC is certified for use in safety-related applications up to SIL3, PL e.
AS-i safety monitors are used to monitor safety components in AS-i systems. They monitor the code sequences to be transmitted in the AS-i network. In the case of message deviations or timeouts the monitor ensures the safe state of the system.
Safe AS-i modules detect safety-related switching states of 1- or 2-channel E-stops, position switches or door contacts. Using the safe input module safety-related components without integrated AS-i interface can be connected to the AS-i system.