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Food safety

In this picture, the fairy-tale characters Snow White, Hansel and Gretel symbolise food safety.

If only she had known about the possibilities of digitalisation

For us, safe food is not a fairy tale or an abstract idea. It is essential to us and to our customers along the food chain. It is our top priority. Unlike Snow White, consumers should be able to consume food without second thoughts. However, according to the WHO, 600 million people still fall ill and 420,000 die each year as a result of contaminated food.

With our integrated automation solutions, we have been supporting the food industry for many years in making production, processing, packaging and cold chain processes transparent and safe in accordance with the HACCP concept. They detect deviations from standardised processes quickly and reliably, helping to avoid potential risks from the outset. This way, our customers fulfil their responsibility to produce safe food.

From sensor to ERP, from farm to table, our seamless digitalisation solutions contribute to transparent product traceability. Knowing for sure that the processes run smoothly from the source to the point of sale is relevant and mandatory for all stakeholders. And it creates the most precious value that can be obtained when dealing with food: trust. This applies to the manufacturing and processing companies themselves – but above all to the consumer.

Let us advise you ➜

Reduce the risk. With sophisticated automation

We have been supporting our customers in the food industry with our expertise and industry know-how in the automation and digitalisation of their processes since 1969. As an EHEDG member, we know the most important challenges of safe food production – and offer the right solutions to master them.

Reliable processes for safe food

Whether storing, processing, cleaning or transporting: This is how you ensure reliability along the entire process chain.

These four exemplary applications are representative of the added value of digitalisation in the production of food and beverages. We will be happy to advise you personally on your individual requirements.

Seamless digitalisation – these products make it easy

Important standards and approvals for food safety

Food safety: the importance of hygienic design

When it comes to food safety, nothing is as underestimated as hygienic design – Reason enough for Impulse – the ifm magazine to take a closer look at this topic.

ifm is a partner to the food industry

As a specialist in the automation and digitalisation of the food industry, we are aware of the high requirements of producers, plant manufacturers and consumers. This is why we always apply the highest standards of quality, safety and reliability to our products and solutions.

We are there for you!

We are pleased that we have sparked your interest in our products and solutions for food safety. We will be happy to advise you personally and work with you to develop a customised automation and digitalisation concept for your individual requirements!

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