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  1. IO-Link benefits
  2. Product selection
  3. IO-Link converters and displays
  4. IO-Link displays

Visualisation and diagnostics with IO-Link displays

IO-Link display mounted on a machine

More plant transparency on site with IO-Link

IO-Link displays serve to indicate process values, texts and messages in IO-Link environments. Depending on the display, these values can be assigned by the controller, or the display receives them directly from the sensor. Assignment by the controller offers high flexibility, but requires complex programming. Alternatively, the display can be placed between sensor and IO-Link master or connected directly to the master depending on the type. The display will then indicate the process values of the connected sensor or the values of all sensors connected to the master.

IO-Link display E30391

The IO-Link display is used for indicating up to four process values, additional information and messages (output data). Commands can be transmitted to the controller (input data) using the keys. The IO-Link display can indicate freely definable process values, texts as well as QR codes that are transmitted cyclically and acyclically from the PLC.

IO-Link inline display E30430

The IO-Link inline display is used for indicating process values and the corresponding information of a connected IO-Link sensor. During operation, the device determines the process data that is cyclically transmitted by the sensor and indicates it on the display and as LED status. An active IO-Link communication must be established between the device and the master. Ideally, an IO-Link master is used. For smaller stand-alone solutions, a Bluetooth adapter (EIO344) or data splitter (E43406) can be used as a master.

IO-Link master display E30443

The IO-Link master display is used for indicating information and process values of the connected ifm IO-Link sensors. The process value to be indicated and the IP address of the master can be set via the menu. Besides, additional information about the master and the sensors can be displayed.