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  1. IO-Link benefits
  2. Product selection
  3. IO-Link converters and displays

IO-Link converters and displays

In existing machines and plants, sensors and actuators with analogue or binary signals are often still used to monitor and control processes. In the context of digitisation or retrofit projects, users are looking for simple ways to optimise processes and harness existing signals and data at the IT level.

For these and other applications, ifm has built up an extensive portfolio of IO-Link converters. These devices can quickly and easily convert standard signals into IO-Link signals, and offer many benefits when used in control systems or in the IT world. Unlike traditional control signals, IO-Link offers full access to the sensor’s intelligence, better diagnostics and advantages in terms of EMC issues.

Choose the converter that works best for you.


Convert analogue input and output signals with IO-Link

Function Input Output Display Product

Conversion of analogue signals into IO-Link

1 x 4-20 mA 1 x IO-Link / SIO
1 x 4-20 mA

DP2200 IP 67

DP4200 IP 69K

2 x 0-10 V IO-Link

DP1222 IP 67

DP3222 IP 69K

Conversion of IO-Link into analogue signals IO-Link
2 x 4-20 mA DP1213 IP 67
2 x 0-10 V DP1223 IP 69K
Conversion of IO-Link into analogue signals IO-Link
2 x 4-20 mA EIO104 IP 69K

Conversion of RTD signals

(Pt100 or Pt1000)

1x IO-Link
1x 4-20 mA

Temperature plugs
1x IO-Link
1x 0-10 V

Process binary signals with IO-Link

Function Input Output Display Product

Data splitter

  • Forwards an IO-Link signal and generates an additional switching signal from IO-Link
IO-Link (device)

1x IO-Link

E43406 IP 67

E43410 IP 67

Speed monitoring

  • Transmission of the current speed (0.1 to 2,000 Hz)
  • Speed display with colour change
2x DI
(pulse input,
1x IO-Link
1x DO
2x DO

DP2122 IP 67

DP4122 IP 69K


  • Evaluation of pulses up to 2,000 Hz for decentralised object, batch and consumption metering
2 x DI
(counter input,
function input)
1 x IO-Link
1 x DO
2 x DO

DP2302 IP 67

DP4302 IP 69K

Pulse stretcher

  • Extend or delay pulses in order to record or process them reliably
2 x DI

1 x IO-Link
1 x DO
2 x DO

DP2402 IP 67

DP4402 IP 69K

Field relay

  • For separating or amplifying signals up to 1A (32V DC / 24V DC)
2 x DI

1 x NO relay
1 x NC relay

DP1603 IP 67

DP3603 IP 69K

DP1613 IP 67

DP3613 IP 69K

Wireless communication with IO-Link and Bluetooth

Function Input Output Display Product
IO-Link inline Bluetooth adapter
Tapping (reading) an existing IO-Link communication between device and master via Bluetooth and the smartphone app moneo blue.
(incl. history memory)
IO-Link (master)
+ wireless communication via Bluetooth
E30446 IP 67
IO-Link Bluetooth adapter
(Read and write) access to all IO-Link devices (parameters and process values) on an IO-Link master via Bluetooth and the smartphone app moneo blue.
The IO-Link master can also be configured.
Wireless communication via Bluetooth EIO330 IP 69K

IO-Link displays

Function Product
Can indicate freely definable process values, texts and QR codes that are transmitted from the PLC.
IO-Link inline DISPLAY
Indicates the data and information of a connected IO-Link sensor.
IO-Link master DISPLAY
Displays data and information of ifm IO-Link sensors connected to an IO-Link master.