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  1. Supply Chain Management
  2. SAP-based software
  3. Shop Floor Integration

Shop Floor Integration: Lets production and management grow together

From sensor to ERP

  • Simpler processes
  • More throughput in production
  • Fewer material bottlenecks
  • Lower personnel costs
  • Less waste
  • Integration in existing systems

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Sensor meets software

Sensors can do a lot

For example, they can be used to monitor the health of a machine or system. Or with the help of temperature measurements, vibration monitoring, flow rate determination or by means of information on contamination, compressed air and cycle rate, many processes can be controlled more effectively, malfunctions avoided and rejects reduced.

But there is even more!

Imagine that this information is not only available directly at the machine, but also flows into the ERP system. Actions can then be triggered there, e.g. timely disposition of maintenance personnel and tools, precise triggering of spare parts orders or information aggregation to find out where faults, rejects or waste constantly and repeatedly occur.

Sounds good, doesn't it? But how?

It works with a software solution that is perfectly adapted to your sensor system and seamlessly embedded in the ERP system. In this way, all information about consumed materials, available tools, track and trace information about containers and materials, about capacities, replenishment times, sales forecasts, stock levels, safety stocks etc. can flow together, be evaluated and used. This creates maximum transparency in the processes of your supply chain!

Perfect match!

When intelligent sensor technology and sophisticated supply chain software come together, you get unprecedented transparency in your intralogistics. Your supply chain can be controlled more effectively, all process participants take part and use the same data. Your business processes become digital and networked. This creates a central nervous system that makes your supply chain controllable. We make complex supply chain processes controllable. By way of experience, expert knowledge and simplification, we make companies even more successful. Discover us!

Shop Floor Integration SFI FAQ

Request a demonstration

Would you like to learn more about our supply chain optimisation solutions in SAP? Are you looking for a solution that allows you to automatically transfer data from machines or sensors to SAP and start intelligent processes? Complete the form and request your demonstration on-site or online now.

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