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  1. Sustainability
  2. Economy

Economic strength

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Within the framework of the "Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development", the United Nations has elaborated and published global sustainability goals - the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With the definition of 17 main goals and further sub-goals related to sustainability, a worldwide framework for action with concrete aspirations was created within the global sustainability debate. It unites three sustainability pillars. The SDGs offer helpful guidance for the challenges of the 21st century, both at the international level and individual company level.

ifm is also committed to Agenda 2030, in order to actively contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, we have identified key SDGs where we can have a major impact and influence through our business activities and our commitment.

Learn more about ifm's sustainability activities and selected SDGs.

Safe growth for continued success:

A central guiding principle of the ifm group of companies, striving for safe growth has been anchored in our corporate philosophy and our way of working from the very beginning. Employees, customers, and suppliers are key drivers of sustainable development for ifm. Economic stability can only be achieved through a successful combination of economic, ecological, and social strength.

Our corporate philosophy, code of conduct, and established governance structures ensure responsible corporate management and control. In short, "Good Corporate Governance" is lived and practiced by the Board of Directors and executives at ifm. In addition, our structures and systems are continuously optimized with the help of risk-oriented internal and external audits.

To ensure this today and in the future, three essential Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been identified within ifm:

It is within this framework that we can achieve the greatest impact from our business activities and our commitment. At the same time, we see the aforementioned SDGs as success factors for our sustainable business.

High-quality education

ifm trains young people with the goal of offering them a secure, interesting and challenging job - corporate principle of ifm.

At ifm, we see our employees as a central success factor in our sustainable corporate development. That is why we offer them a wide range of attractive training and development measures. As a second-generation family business, the compatibility of family and work is also a particular concern for us. That is why ifm comprehensively supports working parents with approaches of the New Work movement, as well as offers for holiday care for kids. For example, ifm also partners with day care centers.

In order to reach young people and get them interested in us and our technologies at an early stage, there are various training and study placements, as well as opportunities for internships or employment as working students. The successful partnership with schools and universities reaffirms ifm's efforts and long-term success.

Decent Work...

In recent years, factors such as secure jobs and sustainable value creation have gained extreme relevance and attention.

Our acknowledgement of the UN Charter on Human Rights and compliance with our Code of Conduct contribute to ensuring decent work - both within the company and with our business partners. As part of this, ifm has already been successfully certified according to the ethical audit SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) for several years in a row.

Fundamentally, both social and sustainability priorities are part of our strategic management matrix. As an overarching framework for action, this is intended to serve as uniform and sustainable guidance of the ifm group of companies. In addition, all employees and external parties can use a whistleblower system to report possible violations anonymously, which are then dealt with confidentially.

... and economic growth

Besides responsible risk-taking, established planning processes and comprehensive corporate security play an essential role in sustainable economic growth. In addition to the monthly financial indicators, emerging risks and opportunities are also identified, evaluated, and resulting measures are adopted. Using this method, tasks and current challenges can not only be mastered successfully, but can ensure long-term success.

The sustainable and broad-based economic growth of ifm can be represented by a wide range of indicators.

Measures for climate protection

ifm demands and promotes ecologically conscious decisions.

Through the use of our products, we aim to improve overall energy efficiency and resource use. With the declared climate neutrality in our operating business by 2030 and the associated climate strategy, we as a group of companies are taking active measures to fight the climate change. Among other things, projects are implemented along the entire business activities to make a significant contribution for a sustainable tomorrow. Examples include the switch to 100% green electricity (2020), the cooperation with the regional partner südmail (climate-neutral letter dispatch) and optimisation efforts with regard to sustainable packaging. Furthermore, we would like to take the adjusted travel and meeting behaviour due to the Corona pandemic as well as changed communication channels - online versus face-to-face meetings - as an opportunity to also strive for long-term CO2 savings in the area of business travel and journeys. The acquisition of the first hybrid cars and the improvement of internal transport processes also contribute to this. To achieve our environmentally relevant goals, we rely on our certified environmental management system according to EMAS/ISO 14001.

Even though ifm has identified three main SDGs, these are related to other global sustainability goals of the United Nations. These include:

Occupational health and safety management:

Safety at work, ensuring decent working conditions and health promotion offers are a matter of course for ifm and contribute to a pleasant working environment.

Clean water and sanitary facilities:

The water consumption per produced unit was reduced by 25 % from 2013 to 2022 (Germany, Lake Constance locations)

Energy-efficient technology:

ifm-products and solutions contribute to more energy efficiency and the conservation of resources.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure:

ifm develops innovative solutions with appropriate expenditures in research and development.

Sustainable ifm products:

Our resource-saving, environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products offer high quality and durability. The use of ifm products promotes sustainability activities in all industrial sectors.

Peace, justice and strong institutions:

As a matter of principle, ifm will not develop, produce or sell products that directly serve military purposes.