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Get started now with the moneo IIoT platform

No-code IIoT platform

Our no-code IIoT platform seamlessly connects to a variety of industrial sensors, machines, and controllers. It provides a unified overview of your production environment. By collecting and analyzing this data, you have an overview of machine condition, process parameters, and environmental conditions for all of your machines.

Cloud or on-premises

We create a simple and fast connection to your OT and IT systems with options to operate in either a cloud-based or an on-premises environment. Our IIoT platform is easy to scale as your data requirements grow and prioritizes the highest security measures to protect sensitive information.

Which software environment is right for you?
moneo Cloud

moneo on-premises
IT infrastructure and expertise required
Solution deployment time
New features and updates Automatic Manual
Scalability across multiple sites
Total cost of ownership
Remote access via remoteConnect / Support
Support available through email / phone / in person channels
IT operation / Security responsibility ifm Software as a Service
(Microsoft Azure™ infrastructure)
Customer IT infrastructure
Data extraction MQTT OPC UA, MQTT, SAP
Industrial AI Assistant and SAP integration
Future update
Key:  Low   High   ➜ Start now with
moneo Cloud
➜ Start now with
moneo on-premises


We recommend: Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) 



Advantages of moneo IIoT Core Cloud

  • Onboarding in less than 30 minutes from the moneo edgeGateway to the moneo Cloud
  • ifm provides software operation, maintenance, and servicing
  • Reduce your internal IT costs (average costs of over $5,000 per virtual machine per year for server, storage, network, & IT operating costs)
  • Data from various locations are stored centrally, and can be visualized and retrieved in one system
  • Cost reduction for network wiring
  • Plug-and-work pilot projects
  • Regular cloud updates with improvements and new features

Get started now