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  2. Products
  3. moneo IIoT Core

moneo IIoT Core

Essential functions intelligently bundled

Optimize your workflows with the key components of moneo. moneo IIoT Core bundles all the essential functions of our IIoT platform – whether in the cloud or an on-premises environment.

Whether on-premises or in the cloud, moneo IIoT Core offers the same value proposition to seamlessly set parameters, collect, visualize, and monitor sensor data. This helps you improve asset health, maintain process quality, and optimize energy consumption.

Avoid unplanned downtime with predictive maintenance and condition-based monitoring techniques that you can set-up in minutes.

Basic functions of moneo IIoT Core

Our IIoT platform includes various software features aimed at collecting, analyzing, and leveraging data from industrial environments to improve operational efficiency, productivity, and safety.

These are the essential basic functions of the moneo IIoT Core

Kickstart IIoT – Get started in 3 easy steps



Connect your plant with
a moneo IIoT device 


moneo IIoT Core

Transform asset data with
moneo IIoT Core 


moneo Insights

Predict and act with
moneo IIoT Insights 

moneo IIoT Devices – Collect machine data


moneo IIoT Core – Optimize workflows


moneo IIoT Insights – Predict and trade
1 add-on for access to all Insights features

  • Openness: Fast integration into OT and IT systems
  • Scalability: Can be expanded as required
  • Cyber ​​Security: Comprehensive protection of sensitive data
  • Flexibility: Can be used in the cloud or on-premises
  • Central IIoT functions for cloud* or on-premises
  • Parameterization, data acquisition, visualization and monitoring
  • Plug-and-work insight into machine states and process parameters

Industrial AI Assistant 

  • AI-based anomaly detection and remaining life predictions

moneo Track & Trace 

  • Object identification and localization for goods flows and traceability 






➜ Learn more about moneo IIoT Devices




➜ Start now with moneo Insights