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  1. moneo IIoT platform
  2. IIoT journey in 3 steps
  3. 3. Get actionable insights

Generate actionable insights from information

The goal of Industry 4.0 is to gain practical insights from the extensive amounts of data collected from connected devices. This is how you unlock the full potential of connected machines.

Transforming this data into meaningful and actionable insights is key to increasing operational efficiency, improving decision-making, and gaining a competitive advantage.

moneo Industrial AI Assistant

Our platform uses artificial intelligence to detect patterns and anomalies that indicate upcoming problems. This allows you to plan maintenance before failures occur.

This proactive approach to actionable insights saves you time and money, safeguards your production schedules, and ensures optimal plant performance.

➜ Learn more about moneo Industrial AI Assistant

Shop Floor Integration (SFI)

Shop Floor Integration (SFI) – the bridge between the physical signal sources from an IIoT infrastructure and the business objects in the SAP ERP system.


Greater transparency in the event of significant changes in the condition of your machines by automatically creating maintenance documents.

Production planning

Enhance production orders with real-time data from the IIoT world or production resources (performance, volume, running time.)

Materials Management

Standardized creation of material documents, quality controls, inventory reservations, or initiation of kanban control cycles.

Stock management
Digitalization of logistics processes for incoming and outgoing goods, on production lines, or when transferring between storage locations.

IIoT connectors

To gain actionable insights in other OT and IT systems, such as MES or SCADA, you have the option to transmit processed data and calculated values from moneo to a cloud-based or other third-party system.

Even tickets created by moneo can be sent to a target system if configured accordingly.

An OPC UA and MQTT server can also transfer data from moneo to a system with one of these clients.

➜ Learn more about IIoT connectors

Start now with the moneo IIoT platform

Our no-code IIoT platform seamlessly connects to a wide range of industrial sensors, machines and controllers, providing a unified view of your production environment. Collecting and analysing this data will help you gain visibility into the health of your machines as well as process parameters and environmental conditions.