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  1. moneo IIoT platform
  2. IIoT journey in 3 steps
  3. 2. Transform data into information

Transform machine data at the edge with our IIoT platform moneo

moneo provides digital transformation of data into information

Our IIoT platform empowers you with real-time data, actionable insights, and predictive capabilities. It enables you to optimize your machine availability, process quality, and energy efficiency to cut costs in a targeted manner.

We have bundled all the necessary software functions in our IIoT platform. The moneo IIoT Core modules include everything you need to visualize, analyze, and monitor machine data. Parameterize devices, create custom dashboards, and set alerts for real-time process information.

The Calculated values module empowers users with robust mathematical and logical functions. Through a straightforward drag-and-drop interface, you can effortlessly perform operations using preconfigured templates or create your own custom functions. These include:

  1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  2. Logical operations such as AND, OR, NOT, and NOR.
  3. Counters for tracking occurrences.
  4. And many more!

By leveraging calculated values, you can creatively combine incoming data sources and derive a single tracked value or info point.

Calculated values examples

Differential pressure

Many industrial applications require differential pressure measurements. Using calculated values, simply subtract one pressure measurement from another.

  1. Pressure before the filter (bar)
  2. Pressure after the filter (bar)
  3. Subtraction function
  4. Result of differential pressure across a filter (bar)

Cost of compressed air

An effective energy optimization program requires an accurate accounting of the cost of your compressed air. Knowing the energy cost per unit of compressed air, you can calculate the cost at the machine level.

  1. Total volume of compressed air consumed at a machine (m3)
  2. Unit energy cost of compressed air (cents / m3)
  3. Conversion function (cents to $)
  4. Unit energy cost of compressed air ($ / m3)
  5. Multiplication function for total cost ($)
  6. Round function rounds up the energy costs to 2 decimal places
  7. Final result of compressed air costs for the machine ($)

Piece counting

A common quantity-based manufacturing KPI is "First Pass Yield" - the percentage of parts with no defects after the first production run.

  1. Counter with the number of good parts
  2. Constant factor of 100
  3. Multiply the number of good parts by 100
  4. Counter with the total number of parts
  5. Divide number of good parts by total parts
  6. Result is the percentage of good parts

Discover the moneo IIoT Core modules

Step 3 – get actionable insights

By knowing how to interpret data correctly, you can use it to create added value, plan maintenance better, replace machine parts before they wear out, and predict and avoid any errors and failures that may occur. We make this possible with the moneo Industrial AI Assistant and our IIoT connectors which forward process data, calculated values and alarms generated in moneo to the cloud or your ERP systems.